Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Will Atkinson
Quick write #7
The picture begins with some type of war scene. You can see that there is some type of ships flying in the sky with a type of mech that walking down the battlefield. There is an anti-aircraft gun in the background behind a tent in the foreground. The tent has some boxes and weapons scattered round it. There is a gas mask sitting on top of the boxes as well. The more we go forward, the more we see of the ships flying in the air. More mechs can be seen walking down the field. You can also see some tank in the background. You can already tell that it is massive because you can see on top of the tank is another anti-aircraft gun. The further we go across, we see more of the tank. We can also see a machine gun in the foreground. The more we push forward, the more we see of the flying ships. There is a flag in the background that show the SSO symbol. Finally, we see the last mech in the background walking towards the battle. The picture I call is called "A Lifetime At War". The reason why I call it that is because it is based on the trenches during WWI, but with my comic twisted into it. The reason why we don't see explosions and bullets is because it is suppose to be a a motto I have. The motto is "when you walk into the dark, do not run, walk, but bring a shotgun. You never know might be in there"
Will Atkinson
Quick write #6
The picture I am looking at looks like some kind of war torn wall from the top. The farther we go down, the more war torn it looks. Suddenly a top of a poster show up. It doesn't say anything, but you immediately wonder what it is. You go down it further and you begin to notice a little bit of what looks like blood. You drift farther down and you notice what looks like some kind of hoofs on the poster, but it is covered in a splatter of blood. You drift down and under the blood you see the words "RESIST for your life" and you immediately know it is for a rebellion. After the poster it goes back to the war torn wall. This picture is what I called resist. It is based on a comic book I am writing and I made it myself which makes it special to me.